Results matching “Movie”

所谓职业生涯,是指人的一生中的职业历程。人的职业生活是人生全部生活的主体,在其生涯中占据核心与关键的位置。人们一生的职业历程,有着种种不同的可能:有的人从事这种职业,有的人从事那种职业;有的人一生变换多种职业,有的人终身位于一个岗位上;有的人不断追求、事业成功,有的人穷困潦倒、无所作为。造成人们职业生涯的差异,有个人能力、心理、机遇方面的问题,也有社会环境的影响。(From 百度百科




Let's Crazy English

Have you ever heard Crazy English? Did you know someone had such a great matter in learning English just like you? I have to admit that I'm still in difficulties. But I remember once I made much progress when practiced the method of Crazy English.

The famous method of Crazy English is the "three-ly method"--practicing as loudly as possible, as quickly as possible, and as clearly as possible. Doing this has many benefits, such as reciting something loudly enough to hear it by oneself is helpful to one's remember system and to encourage one's confidence. Reading as quickly as possible will become a habit of thinking quickly and speaking quickly as an automatic reflex. Besides, practicing as clear as possible make one speaking like a native speaker and easy to be understood. Three-ly method is about express oneself in fluent eloquent English with confidence. It's a easy way to make conversation with native speakers easily.

So I'll start with the beginning of crazy English now--Let's practice English as loudly as possible, as quickly as possible, and as clearly as possible.

Mother Theresa

Frankly, I found I 'd changed my  taste of movies. I prefer the kind with little stories about real life rather than those epic movies. The former can lead to ideas from my deep heart, thinking about life, love and myself as I'll talk about below. Therefore the latter have not attractive plots but magnificent scenes, luxurious stars, over-advertising on media,  outrageous visualization, such as rich colors, strange characters etc..

The phantom of the opera

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英国作曲家安德鲁·洛伊德·韦伯Andrew Lloyd Webber)据说在欧洲可比肩莫扎特,在中国也颇受小资们的追捧。不过在国内一轮又一轮的"韦伯热"之后,为人熟知的仍然只是他的音乐剧作品中那些脍炙人口的歌曲。如经典的《歌剧魅影》和《安魂曲》中的曲目外,还有《贝隆夫人》(Evita,1994)中的《阿根廷,不要为我哭泣!》、《猫》中的《回忆》、《歌与舞》中的《意外的歌》、《爱的观点》中的《爱选择一切》等。显然,墨神还未熟知,只是看了《歌剧魅影》(the phantom of the opera,2004) ,深深喜爱其中的音乐。

My movie list

I should, maybe must write down something here. Lots of movies and feelings surrounded me, only short of time. Ah, I'm so near about my time. Maybe you can call me a time grubber.





My name is Lynna Cho. I am a dreaming girl. Mercury is my identity at internet, and it's also my dear home of thought. I have many hobbies in my leisure time. I 'll share my idea with you here and hope you like it.


  • Music, movie and movie-music
  • culture matter of east and west
  • innovation ideas in living
  • thinking, writing and singing


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