Results tagged “music”

You Must Love Me Forever

A woman named Evita is the former first lady of Argentina,Eva Peron. I once read a book about her legendary life. Evita starts out as a poor, destitute woman and through hard work and a touch of good fortune she works her way into the heart of Peron. They are soon married, and Evita starts her amazing story. The movie Evita(1996) is her whole life story of 95% real.

Poster of Evita(1996)

T his film starts from the end and then goes from beginning to end. It shows how she went to Buenos Aires with a tango singer. It shows hows Eva took on lovers to get jobs, and even helped her husband, who is played by Jonathan Pryce, get the presidency for 2 terms. She and her husband did have 2 weddings, one was in a church and one was a civil ceremony. Eva also traveled while she was first lady. She got woman the right to vote. She also did start a foundation. She did help build houses, hopitals, and schools. When her husband went for his 2nd term as president, the people rallied for her to be vice-president. Eva Peron did had many Christain Dior, over 100 furs, and a jewelry collection comparable to Cleopatra's. Sadly, Evita died when she was just 33, of uterine cancer.

House Carpenter

向好友强烈推荐--House Carpenter








音乐会名为--好莱坞大片狂想(Burning hits - the king of Hollywood music)。乐团演奏了耳熟能详的《花木兰》、《卧虎藏龙》、《指环王》、《七勇士》、《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》等电影音乐,《无极》的配乐,此外还有一些奥斯卡经典音乐,如《星球大战》、《石破天惊》、《007金手指》、《泰坦尼克》、《狮子王》、《阿波罗13》、《教父》和《碟中谍》等。遗憾的是,咱把《教父》误以为《日瓦格医生》了,后来又当做《辛德勒的名单》……直到近1分钟出现字幕--简直丢人~

Can you feel the love,A whole new world, Memory……那个男中音的声音好有魅力。

挺想听那首《时光倒流七十年》(Somewhere in Time,1980)的主题曲《似曾相识》,或许是音乐钢琴主奏的原因还是太温柔了,没有盼望到……




偶尔从菲坛子发现还有这样一首主题歌没有听过,有幸搜到。陪着舒缓慵懒的音乐,看遍《过把瘾就死》 ,算享受吧(和某人不同,呵呵)。--只是似乎看到了自己的影子,更加不信爱情了。