
  • CSS/JSS & DHTML动态网页制作 国防工业出版社 2001

  • CSS权威指南 Eric A. Meyer著 中国电力出版社 2001

  • CSS & DHTML网页制作特效与实例 杨正华编著 清华大学出版社 2000

  • CSS/HTML网页设计 位元文化编著 中国铁道出版社 2002

  • CSS & DHTML动态网页教程 四海工作室编著 科学出版社 2002

  • CSS与DHTML精髓 (美) Dan Livingston著 清华大学出版社 2003
  • 还好有一半比较有价值,准备明天去“淘宝书”。

  • ★Essential CSS & DHTML for Web Professionals

  • --by Livingston, Dan, and Brown, Micah


    本书介绍 Book Description

    ·CSS和DHTML近来取得的成果 ·全面更新了最新的技术和代码样例 ·可以下载实际证明有效的样例来从实例学习 ·解决方案,电子商务,搜索,广告,测试,以及交互浏览的代码 ·建立下载速度快,设计新潮,运行畅通的站点

    如今,95%的网络用户使浏览器与层叠样式表和动态HTML语言兼容。因此,现在正是发挥这一技术的优势来建立那种下载速度快运行更通畅的站点的时候了。在这本畅销书中,一个世界知名的web开发者帮助你掌握CSS和DHTML--参与进来吧!你将用CSS和DHTML来建设真实的站点来实践,一个购物,远程教育,显示广告,提供测试,并且传递有经验的交互性。此外,作者还提供了解决Netcape 6缺陷的代码。最主要的是,完成的站点在web上,你还可以重新利用这些代码,仔细了解它是如何使网页美观流畅的。

    RooZeno译自:Prentic Hall


    ·样式表基础,<STYLE>, <DIV>, Z-Index stacking, and <SPAN>

    RooZeno译自:Prentic Hall


    前言 致谢 作者简介 1. 什么是CSS和DHTML 2. CSS样式表 样式表概览,怎样分级,如何建立样式和级,链接到外部样式表,定位层,修改HTML标签等 3. DHTML起步 页面结构,交互浏览代码,隐藏和显示层,全面的二级导航,以及其他的好方法 4. 动态层(层叠菜单) 5. 拖动层 6. 交互测试 7. 特别的恶作剧(原文中的the Shelley Quiz不太理解,翻译成了“恶作剧”) 附录A:CSS样式属性代码参考 附录B:各种参考手册(包括优站的源码,外部样式表,定为属性,度量单位,色卡) 附录C:JS参考 附录D:Netscape4 和IE4的DOM对照 附录E:Netscape5 和IE6的DOM快查
    RooZeno译自:Prentic Hall



    When I first started learning DHTML, there were two kinds of books on the market: overly simplified, cutesy books that were appropriate for technophobe junior high schoolers, and huge reference tomes that had their own gravity. But nothing really taught me how to build pages for real clients using CSS and DHMTL.

    This book will guide you through CSS (also called "style-sheets") and DHTML, using examples and techniques taken straight from my experience as a Web designer and programmer. I'll start off with basic concepts and simple examples and work up to more sophisticated effects and functionality.

    Who This Book Is For
    This book is for beginning to intermediate Web designers or programmers. You should already know enough HTML to build a simple table and form, and enough JavaScript to create an image rollover. You don't have to be a professional, but some basic Web development skills will make this book's material easier to digest. I'm assuming you want to add a little spark and interaction to your Web pages, as well as find a solid and simple way to control the fonts on your pages.

    How This Book Is Laid Out
    The first code-heavy chapter covers CSS in all of its useful forms with a myriad of examples. The rest of the chapters focus on DHTML by presenting a real-world task and walking you through it step by step. All of the examples are for one of two fictional companies: Shelley Biotechnologies or Stitch, an online fashion magazine (like every other book in this series).

    The exercises and examples are designed to give you a solid, market-ready foundation in DHTML and enough expertise in practical solutions to carry you through 90% of the DHTML projects you'll do. You'll find there's often more than one way to accomplish a feat in DHTML, which is fine—there is no right or wrong in coding.

    All of the code, images, and working examples are available for download and viewing on www.wire-man.com/dhtml2 and www.phptr.com/essential.

    Special for Second Edition
    I am delighted to be able to write a second edition of this book. I've received hundreds of emails from readers of the first edition—some good, some bad. I have implemented many of the suggested changes, and kept the things people liked. I think the book is much stronger for it. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop me a line at dhtml2@wire-man.com—I'd love to hear from you.


    What Are CSS and DHTML?
    CSS stands for "cascading stylesheets," but we'll just be calling them "stylesheets" from now on. For all practical purposes, stylesheets are as much a part of HTML as the <img>and <table> tags. Adding stylesheet information to a page is just a matter of typing in some extra code. There's nothing fancy about it.

    Placing stylesheet information into a Web page lets you set certain aspects of that HTML page. For example, your stylesheet could say, "Make all of the text in this Web page 16 point bold Arial," or "There's a layer called 'banner' and it's located at 60 pixels over and 90 pixels down," or even "When the <b> tag is used, make that text both bold and italic." CSS is a standard created by the World Wide Web Consortium, the same folks who define exactly what HTML is. There are several versions of CSS (the third version, CSS3, is being worked on right now). The browsers all implement variations of the first two versions, CSS1 and CSS2. You don't need to be concerned about them in this book—we'll look at what works without worrying about which version it is.

    What Can CSS Do?
    Stylesheets can do three things:
    ::.Set the font of text on a page
    ::. Define a layer and position it on the page
    ::. Modify HTML tags

    If you decide to use stylesheets to set your page's fonts, you can define different classes of fonts, like "headlineText" or "footerText" or "mainBodyText," and use different fonts for all three. This may not sound exciting, but if used properly, this can save you hours and hours that you'd otherwise spend using the nasty and decrepit <font>tag.

    When Is CSS Really Used?
    Stylesheets are really used only for the first two items above: setting fonts and positioning layers. You can use stylesheets to modify HTML tags, but I (and most other Web developers) haven't found that to be very useful. It tends to confuse more than to facilitate. So, I'll be concentrating mostly on using stylesheets to set fonts and position layers throughout this book. I'll show you how to modify tags, but there won't be a lot of examples—that would be like showing you the proper way to ride a bicycle underwater. I'll show you how to do it, but an extended tour wouldn't serve any real purpose.

    ○ What Is DHTML?
    DHTML literally stands for "dynamic HTML." However, DHTML really means using JavaScript to manipulate stylesheets; that is, using JavaScript to hide, display, or move layers, or to change the font of some text as a user rolls a mouse over it. That's really it. Here's another way to think of it: You can use JavaScript to manipulate HTML, right? Think about image rollovers and placing text in form fields—that's using JavaScript to change what's on the Web page. DHMTL is exactly that: using JavaScript to change what's on a page. If you're changing something that was set in a stylesheet, like layers or fonts, you're suddenly doing DHTML instead of plain ol' JavaScript. "DHTML" is just a marketing term that stands for a certain type of JavaScript usage.

    If this isn't clear right now, don't worry. It will be. I'll spend the next chapter looking at stylesheets and the rest of the book will look at using JavaScript.

    ○ What Can DHTML Do?
    DHTML can do all sorts of really interesting and fun things. You can create little games, sliding pop-up menus, draggable images, interactive quizzes, and the like. Internet Explorer (IE), especially, has all sorts of great extensions that will let you get pretty creative. There's no end to the things you can do.

    ○ The Limitations of DHTML
    The only real limitation of DHTML is the wildly different ways JavaScript is treated in the different browsers. This is a big, fat, hairy limitation. For example, I once created a scrolling multiple-line text field in DHTML. It had arrows, a slider bar, everything. It took longer to build that little scrolling thing so that it worked on all browsers and platforms than it took to build the rest of the site (including the back-end database stuff), almost. Building it for one browser and platform wasn't too tough, but once I started looking at the other browsers and platforms, the development time increased tremendously. Needless to say, I gladly dumped it at the next revision of the site—it just took too much time.

    I bring up this story as a potential warning: If you get really fancy with DHTML, you will pay. Development time to make your code work on the various browsers and platforms will take way longer than it should. If you think you're done, look at your page on a Macintosh running IE 4.5.

    Everything in this book is fully cross-browser and cross-platform. In fact, I'm ignoring everything that's Netscape-specific or IE-specific. As of this writing, Netscape hasn't completely lost the browser war yet, so Netscape users must still be considered. Also, Netscape 6 is less popular than expected, so Netscape 4.x users must still be considered and coded for.

    ○ When to Use DHTML
    To be honest, I only use DHTML to make layers appear and disappear, and for simple animation. However, not everyone has such pedestrian ambitions for their DHTML, so you'll find examples that go beyond those few uses in this book. In fact, I expect to see a lot more DHTML on the Web fairly soon, now that almost everyone has Netscape 4.7+ and IE 5.x. All the browser metrics I've seen indicate that at least 95% of Web surfers have a 4.0+ browser.

    When you start to code your own DHTML, start small and simple. It's easy to make large promises to a client, and as a brilliant programmer, I'm sure you'll deliver on them, but you'll save yourself a lot of heartache and late nights if you build your pages in incremental phases.

  • ★Eric Meyer on CSS: Mastering the Language of Web Design

  • --Eric A. Meyer


    作者介绍 About the Author:
    Eric A. Meyer, regarded by many as the most experienced CSS master working today, pairs his knowledge of CSS, HTML, and browser capabilities with a carefully developed hands-on-learning method to provide you with 10 full-color projects that help you learn through example rather than theory.

    ::. 认识就够 和表现 ::. 将表格转变为样式表的层叠 ::. 揉合多种技术来创造多字的设计 ::. 在经典的方法中使用基础的列表 ::. 打印和屏幕显示的风格化

    书目简录Table of Contents:

    1 转变现有的页面 2 玩转图片 3 玩转财务报表 4 定位背景 5 纵向列表菜单 6 CSS控制下拉菜单 7 初识吸引人的制表符 8 玩转网络日志 9 设计主页 10 设计发挥

    此外,DMXZone上还有篇对作者的专访Interview with Eric Meyer: Death of Netscape, CSS, Standards and Star Wars ,很精彩,建议对CSS和网络标准(W3C)有兴趣的可以去看看,采访有5页哟,等俺有空再慢慢译过来。